John O'Rourke, Beaconsfield High School Child Protection Governor
The health, safety and wellbeing of every child is our paramount concern and that is why we listen intently to our students and their concerns. We want to work in partnership with parents and carers to help our students achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution.
To promote a safe environment for students, our selection and recruitment policy includes all checks on staff and regular volunteers’ suitability, including Disclosure and Barring Service checks, as recommended by Buckinghamshire County Council, in accordance with current legislation.
In accordance with our responsibilities under section 175/157 of the Education Act 2002 and “Keeping Children Safe in Education“ Sept 2024, we have a Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection (Mr Tom Griffiths) who is a member of the Leadership Team, and has received appropriate training for this role. It is his responsibility to ensure that all staff in contact with children receive Child Protection awareness training on a regular basis.
Occasions do arise when our concern about a child means we must consult other agencies. Whilst we would always aim to work in partnership with parents, there may be exceptions to this when concerns are raised for the protection of a child. On very rare occasions, Social Care, whilst undertaking an investigation under s47 of the Children Act 1989, may want to speak to a child without a parent’s knowledge. This would be a decision made in collaboration with partner agencies and would only be done in situations where a child might be at immediate risk. To gain consent at this point may increase the level of risk to the child or cause evidence of a crime to be lost.
The procedures that we follow have been laid down by the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board, and the school has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all. The policy can be found below, along with links to our other key safeguarding policies and useful resources that may help you in supporting the health, safety and wellbeing of your child.
Beaconsfield High School Safeguarding Statement
Beaconsfield High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of all students and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We adhere to consistent, effective safeguarding procedures to support parents/carers, students and staff. Safeguarding legislation and government guidance says that safeguarding means:
- Protecting children from maltreatment
- Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
- Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
- Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome
Safeguarding includes child protection, health care plans, health and safety, site security, safety on school trips, anti-bullying work and much more.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Griffiths, Deputy Headteacher. He is supported by four Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, Miss Pritchard, Mrs Cooke, Ms Bond and Ms Ganachaud, with further additional members of staff trained in higher level safeguarding.
If you are worried that your safety or the safety of any other student is at risk please talk this through with any adult of your choice at BHS. Our dedicated safeguarding team is specially trained to deal with any serious situations and may be called upon to help you and/or your peers. To contact the BHS Safeguarding Team please email:
Safeguarding Policies
Our policies can be viewed here. If you wish to know more about our procedures, please email Mr Griffiths, our Designated Safeguarding Lead or email the Headteacher.
Sites for Advice and Guidance
DfE Guidance for parents /carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm |
Understanding Screen Addiction and Responsible Digital Use |
Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment Helpline - The NSPCC have launched a dedicated helpline for children and young people who have experienced sexual harassment or abuse at school, and for worried adults and professionals that need support and guidance. Call 0800 136 663 or email |
Changing your privacy settings online - Barnardo’s RUSAFE in Buckinghamshire have shared with us the most up-to-date advice on staying safe online. |
Bucks Family Information Service offers free, impartial information to families with children aged 0 to 19 years (or up to 25 years with a special educational need or disability), young people and professionals. |
Thinkuknow or YouTube search: CEOP internet safety videos (we recommend this one) |
Parent Info is a free website and newsfeed for parents and carers which aims to raise parents’ confidence in digital parenting skills and help them to make informed decisions about addressing the risks their children face. |
ADT Healthcare offers a free helpline dedicated to helping women and families suffering from drug, alcohol and mental health issues. |
Thinkuknow - Ask The Awkward is a resource for parents and carers of secondary-aged children to help them have regular conversations with their children about online relationships. |
Parents Guide: Talking to your child about online sexual harassment |